Dan Fragoules

Common Sense Truth
Dan Fragoules
Mountain Home, AR
“When the first atomic bomb was exploded in New Mexico, the desert sand turned to fused green glass.
Archaeoligists digging in the ancient Euphrates Valley have uncovered a layer of agrarian culture 8,000 years old, a layer of herdsmen culture much older, and a still older caveman culture. Recently they reached another layer, a layer of fused green glass.”
New York Herald Tribune, 1947

The No Big Bang Theory Click to enlarge

The scientific establishment tends to conform to contemporary doctrine. Some of it is wrong. There was no Big Bang, the Universe is not expanding and Reality exists whether we see it or not.

In 1919, after Einstein’s prediction that gravity would bend light was confirmed experimentally, the New York Times printed the following: “Scientists who proclaim that space comes to an end somewhere are under some obligation to tell us what lies beyond it”.

Einstein initially believed his universe to be finite and static. When it appeared to be expanding, scientists followed its past to an infinitely small point 14 billion years ago. Over the years institutional science has come up with one extraordinary fix after another to shoehorn every cosmological discovery for a hundred years into this finite three-dimensional Universe that apparently popped out of nothing 13.8 billion years ago.

It is generally accepted that the entire Universe existed as a point of zero size and infinite density or “Physically Paradoxical Singularity”, a scientific way of saying that there’s something wrong with this theory. It’s paradoxical because they’re missing something and the deeper we delve into the ramifications of General Relativity, the more obvious that becomes.

According to Einstein, when you approach a Black Hole or accelerate to near the speed of light, time passes more slowly for you than it does for the rest of the Universe. So slow that all of eternity will pass for the rest of the Universe before you reach the event horizon. In General Relativity space and time are so closely intertwined that you can’t change one without affecting the other. When gravity slows the rate that time passes, space must slow as well. If three dimensional space can slow, it must be moving.

In 1919 a mathematician named Theodor Kaluza attempted to incorporate an extra dimension into General Relativity. His five-dimensional theory had more equations than Einstein’s four-dimensional version and the extra equations turned out to be Maxwell’s equations governing the electromagnetic field. Not even Einstein could figure out where the extra dimension was. Most of the subsequent research had it being a microscopic cylinder, or some other compact shape too small to see.

As far as modern science is concerned, the fifth dimension is purely hypothetical. A place we can never go, never see and from which we will never get any information. But the precise equations for the electromagnetic field didn’t come out of Kaluza’s theory by happenstance. The fifth dimension is real and its existence can be demonstrated experimentally.

The fourth dimension of space is as big as the three we are aware of. It is part of our Universe and its right in front of us. The reason we don’t see it is that our brains, since our ancestors crawled out of the ground after the dinosaurs were destroyed, evolved without seeing it. When our tools advanced enough to allow us to view the Universe on a grand scale we saw evidence of the fifth dimension in the form of the elongated frequency of light coming from distant galaxies. That evidence was misinterpreted it as an expanding Universe and that error sent cosmologist down an incorrect path that the entire physics community has followed ever since.

An accurate, if not quite precise, way to envision the fourth spacial dimension is that it is at rest relative to our three-dimensional space. Three dimensional space is moving relative to the fourth dimension at 186,000 miles per second, what we measure as the speed of light. The speed of light is actually zero.

The Sun is decelerating away from the Earth. We don’t see it moving because we see, think and measure in three dimensions and it is moving in a direction of the fourth dimension. All gravity is deceleration. All powered movement is deceleration. When you approach a Black Hole, time slows because space slows. A very fast spaceship wouldn’t accelerate to near the speed of light, it would decelerate to nearly a stop.

The speed of light is a fundamental limit because you can’t slow beyond a stop. If you are traveling down the highway at a high speed, you can apply force to the brake and decrease your speed. The more force you apply, the faster you decelerate, until you come to a stop. After that you can apply all the force you want, but you have reached a fundamental limit. Time is a function of the velocity of space, so what you are actually doing is running out of time, but the analogy is accurate.

The attempt to stay on a path that leads in the wrong direction has led cosmologists to some bizarre conclusions. Dark Energy, a mysterious repulsive force no scientist has ever seen experimentally. They don’t even have a good guess as to what it is, it’s just a fudge factor to explain why the Universe we see doesn’t conform to the accepted theory. Inflation in the early Universe is another fudge factor that serves no purpose beyond preserving a flawed theory.

The theory that the Universe is expanding has the embarrassing feature of having had to begin as a singularity in which the whole thing was compressed into an infinitely small spec. It makes more sense to assume, taking a page from conventional science, that energy is conserved. Energy didn’t pop into existence out of nothing 14 billion years ago, it has always been there. It is the kinetic energy of a Universe moving at 186,000 miles per second.

We live in an evolving universe. Something happened 10 or so billion years ago, probably an interaction with something in the fourth dimension, that began the process of converting some of the kinetic energy in our neighborhood of space to matter, at the cost of some of the velocity of space. Using modern telescopes like Hubble, we can see other distant regions of space where the same thing occurred, or is occurring. Existing Galaxies and the formation of new galaxies.

Gravity slows the observed passage of time and light frequency acts as a clock. Gravity is deceleration, so the distance between an observer in space and light from a decelerated source does increase in four-dimensional space without the need for space itself to expand. The frequency of light from distant galaxies is a five-dimensional phenomena that is easily observable by humans for the same reason the curvature of Earth is easier to discern from a greater distance.

When the satellite COBE was sent out to analyze Cosmic Background Radiation, it discovered a complex and detailed structure rather than the featureless glow predicted by Big Bang cosmologists. Rather than question the assumption that the signal was from the Big Bang, they did the same thing Copernicus did, figured out a way to make the data fit into the existing theory. It took a thousand years to give up epicycles.

The most distant object measured by the Hubble Telescope is 13 billion light years away, which means it would have had to have been created when the universe was less than one billion years old. It would take at least that long for the material from the Big Bang to coalesce into stars and form a young galaxy.

Recently a galaxy called SPT–S J041839–4751.9 was discovered using the South Pole Telescope. Follow-up observations made using the more powerful Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array revealed a relatively normal disk-shaped galaxy like the Milky Way, although about a quarter the size of our galaxy. It has a flat disk of stars, gas, and dust, and even a central bulge of stars like the Milky Way.

It took the light from the object 12.4 billion years to reach Earth, so we are seeing that object as it was 12.4 billion years ago, where it was 12.4 billion years ago. All galaxies observed at that distance should appear very young, about one billion years old. It should not be a relatively mature spiral galaxy. It makes more sense to assume that it formed 12.4 billion light years from Earth by the same process that formed our galaxy.

A program at the California Institute of Technology called Galaxy Evolution Explorer has found three-dozen bright, compact galaxies that greatly resemble the youthful galaxies that would have existed more than 10 billion years ago in a Big Bang Universe. These are the galaxies we should be seeing at 13 billion light years distant, but these new galaxies are relatively close to us, ranging from two to four billion light-years away and appear to be as young as 100 million to one billion years old.

In an infinite five-dimensional universe, the process of converting kinetic energy to mass could continue in new regions of space forever. Any region of space that eventually converts all of its energy would have no velocity, come to a stop. That region would look like a Black Hole. The background radiation of this infinite space would be low energy, long wavelength light broken up by random areas of kinetic space and Black Holes. Much like the Cosmic Microwave Background we measure today.

Quantum Physics is the four-dimensional study of five-dimensional phenomena, which has led to some strange conclusions. It has been demonstrated many times with the double slit experiment, done with photons or electrons, it has even been done with molecules. The result is that each individual particle or molecule sent toward the slits one at a time, pass through both slits and create an interference pattern on a detector behind the slits.

Do the experiment a million times and you will get the same result every time, until you watch to see which slit the particle or molecule goes through. Do exactly the same experiment another million times while watching the slits, and each time the pattern on the detector shows a hit behind whichever slit you saw the thing go through. No interference pattern just because you possess knowledge that you didn’t possess through the first million experiments.

When we look closely at fundamental particles, we see them interacting with five-dimensional space-time and interpret it as the wave function of matter. The exact position and momentum of an electron cannot be simultaneously determined because an electron is a four-dimensional point particle that defies measurement in three dimensions. The waviness in quantum physics is another glimpse of the fifth dimension. When we look too closely at a particle that behaved as a wave a million times, our minds collapse it into our three dimensional approximation of the real world.

It is accepted science today that uncertainty, non-locality and the wave-function of matter are properties of nature. The building blocks of matter have no basis in reality until the act of conscious observation collapses their wave function. If reality is to exist independent of human observation, there must be a better explanation for the apparent wave function of matter. A fifth macro-dimension of space is a better explanation.

Hawking Radiation. On the face of it, if a pair of virtual particles appear near the event horizon of a Black Hole, one falls in, the other escapes, you would think that both the Universe and the Black Hole gain energy. But according to Hawking, and the first Law of Thermal Dynamics, in order to preserve total energy the particle that fell in must have negative energy, making the Black Hole evaporate. It was the culmination of an attempt from the 1950’s and 60’s to get around the relativistic “collapse out of existence” of matter at the center of a Black Hole.

In our five-dimensional Universe, virtual particles are a manifestation of the kinetic energy of moving space. They are part of the natural mechanism for converting kinetic energy to mass and explain the homogeneous nature of the visible universe. When a pair of virtual particles appear near an event horizon, and one of them falls in, the Universe and the Black Hole gain energy offset by a local decrease in the speed of three-dimensional space. Quantum Physics and General Relativity get along just fine.

The velocity of space creates time. Time makes space multi-dimensional. Matter is the energy of space manifested in multiple dimensions. When gravity becomes strong enough to slow a region of space to a stop, time ceases to exist in that region and space reverts to one dimension. The space beyond the event horizon is not three-dimensional space warped by a singularity, it is simple, one dimensional space.

The phenomena surrounding an event horizon are explained by the fact that gravity acts against the velocity of 3-dimensional space. As space slows, time slows and multidimensional space warps toward one dimension. If you put a grape between the two plates of a giant tortilla press made out of neutrons and pressed them together until they touched, the grape would become two-dimensional. If you had a five-dimensional tortilla press and put pressure on a four-dimensional Earth, you would cause tides.

Photons. When mass has momentum it can exert force by spending velocity without losing mass energy (except a bit of heat from an impact). Momentum is energy borrowed from acceleration. In five-dimensional relativity, acceleration is deceleration. Photons are massless particles that carry energy via its momentum relative to three-dimensional space, the energy belongs to space. Every time science shows us something in the fifth dimension, we assume it disappeared. When the frequency of light from a star that collapses into a black hole decreases to a straight line, it doesn’t cease to exist, it ceases to interact with moving three-dimensional space.

According to General Relativity, super massive objects have gravity fields so strong that not even light can escape. Since the entire universe existing in just one spot would be the most massive object of all, the universe could not have escaped in a Big Bang. Every science class, every college science course, every science documentary on the Discovery channel, the entirety of establishment science claims that it did.

To explain the discrepancy, the entirety of the physics community agree that the laws of physics just didn’t apply at the time of the Big Bang. They agree that the known universe spans 28 billion light years and is assumed to be 14 billion years old. For that to be true, we would need to be at the center of the universe because otherwise it would extend even further in at least one direction making it older than 14 billion years.

The theory that the universe is expanding uniformly would mean that the amount of red shifts would have to be uniformly and randomly distributed. They aren't. The observed red shifts are quantized, falling into discreet intervals. This is not explainable by the theory that the Universe is expanding. Some other effect is at work unless they have another “laws of physics don’t apply here” solution.

The assumption that there must be a beginning to the universe is an invention of the human mind. We think we see things begin and end, but we are really just seeing matter change form. A particular configuration may have a beginning and an end, but the actual matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, it has always been. Until recently, “scientists” believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. Now they claim that the edge of the Universe is 14 billion light years distant in every direction from Earth. The contention that everything was at the center in the beginning and that everything is moving away from everything else doesn’t really get the Earth out of the center.

We see objects out to the edge of the limits of our technology and we see them in all directions. We can’t see an edge of the universe, but the scientific consensus is that it’s there, beyond what we can see. It makes more sense to assume that what we can see is really just a small part of a far larger universe. If we abandon the assumption that we see most of the universe from a fortunate position near the location of the original singularity, then we cannot know how large the universe is, and the mathematics by which we claim to know the age of the Universe based on its size is flawed.

Even if the Universe ends just beyond the limits of our technological ability to measure, it is still too big for the Big Bang theory. The original singularity would have an event horizon many light years larger than the size of the Universe when the current theory says inflation ended and all the fundamental forces came into play. It could not have escaped.

The physics communities answer? You guessed it, “the laws of physics don’t apply here”. They developed the theory that when the universe was created, it had no mass, so there was no gravity and no reason the the Big Bang matter couldn’t escape into the universe. Then, after it was far enough away from the singularity, it interacted with a particle called a Higgs Boson, also called the God particle because they needed a miracle to save their Big Bang creation theory.

Five billion dollars later, they managed to kinda, sorta create a Higgs Boson in the Large Hadron Collider. Once again, they found what they wanted to find, the Big Bang theory is safe and I can’t possibly know what I’m talking about because I don’t have an advanced degree.

The No Big Bang Theory, or Five-Dimensional Relativity, is consistent with the contemporary body of experimental data without needing to suspend fundamental forces to make it work. The Big Bang Theory is not.

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Dan Fragoules
Mountain Home, AR